our leadership


If, as in Scripture, the Elders are called to lead, then we need to have an understanding of this office.
In Scripture we see that the word elder, bishop, overseer, shepherd and pastor, all refer to the same person or office. They are one and the same function and not separate functions or offices in the church. In 1 Peter 5:1-3, Peter uses the word elder, bishop/overseer and shepherd/pastor interchangeably. Paul does the same in Acts 20:17 & 28.

We also see in Scripture that leadership is not a title, but simply one of the functions of the Body of Christ (Romans 12:8). As highlighted in our Statement of Faith, we believe and are committed to "the priesthood of all believers”, with all of us functioning in the gifts God has given us (see 1 Peter 2:4-11, Romans 12 & 1 Cor 12). As a result, we do not ‘carry titles’. It is worth noting that Paul himself never once referred to himself as Apostle Paul, but as Paul (his name) an Apostle (his function) – refer to scriptures such as Romans 1:1 & 1 Cor 1:1.

It is even more interesting that we call Jesus, who is the Head of the Church, only by His first name and yet insist on giving each other titles.
our leadership


our leadership

meet our staff

Andy Arnold
Lead Elder
Jess Landry
ONE80 Kids Admin
Lauren Michelson
Office Administrator
Lee Webber
Operations Manager
Matt Lineker
Media Director
Melissa Haddad
Finance Administration
Mike & Deborah Graves
Church Founders / Apostolic Team

At Oceanside we also have a committed team of Deacons who lead and serve in the life of the church, supporting the Eldership in leading and in the church at large.

our leadership


BJ & Ruth Estes
Brian Senini
Doug & Heather Hooge
Jane Thornton
Johan & Ronel Van Rensburg
Larry & Bonnie Lemmon
Nate & Jocelyn Lord
Rob & Lesley Bodenstab
Sue & Brian DeSchiffart
Zoe Grant

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